July 2024
Bible Study Mike Rainey on John Ch 11 Jesus Raised Lazarus
Mike Rainey on John Ch 11 Jesus Raised Lazarus
“Revive Your Work in the Midst of the Years!” Habakkuk 3
“Revive Your Work in the Midst of the Years!” Habakkuk 3 I. Revival Begins When We Surrender To God’s Plan – 3:1-2 II. Revival Blossoms When We Seek God’s Purpose – 3:3-15 III. Revival Beckons When We Sing God’s Praise – 3:16-19 It will be great to be back in the pulpit at 2nd Mile […]
Bible Study Mike Rainey on John 9 1-41 Why do bad thigs happen to good people
Mike Rainey on John 9 1-41 Why do bad thigs happen to good people