July 2024

“Revive Your Work in the Midst of the Years!” Habakkuk 3

“Revive Your Work in the Midst of the Years!” Habakkuk 3 I. Revival Begins When We Surrender To God’s Plan – 3:1-2 II. Revival Blossoms When We Seek God’s Purpose – 3:3-15 III. Revival Beckons When We Sing God’s Praise – 3:16-19 It will be great to be back in the pulpit at 2nd Mile […]

Bible Study Mike Rainey on John 9 1-41 Why do bad thigs happen to good people

Mike Rainey on John 9 1-41 Why do bad thigs happen to good people

Special Service with singer Jonathan Wilburn. Speaking only 

Special Service with singer Jonathan Wilburn   Speaking only