“Impacting Lostness” Acts 2

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“Impacting Lostness” Acts 2

I. Unified In Their Purpose – 2:1
A. Spirit filled preaching – 2:42a
B. Spirit led praying – 1:14, 2:42c
C. Spirit blessed praising – 2:47a
II. Unified In Their Practice – 2:47c
A. Bold in their witness of the gospel – 4:29,31,33
B. Baptism for believers – 2:41,47
III. Unified In A Principle – 2:44
A. Love for one another – 2:45
B. Loved being together for ministry – 2:44

This is Children’s Church Sunday. Since we are to have our OCC boxes in on Sunday morning, I will get our children to pray over the boxes at the altar during Children’s Church time. We also will be taking up donations this Sunday for Kenwood’s food pantry.
I am so looking forward to preaching this coming Lord’s Day and being with the saints of God. Love our 2nd MIle Family.