All Sermons & Bible Studies

Sermons are sorted from newest to oldest.  Click on the name of a series if you’d love to see all of the podcasts from just that series.
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October 2024

“Simon Peter’s Brother” John 1:35-42

“Simon Peter’s Brother” John 1:35-42

I. Andrew’s Discovery – 1:41

II. Andrew’s Secret – 1:40

III. Andrew’s Passion -1:42

Always looking forward to Sunday. We are in the 3rd of a sermon series on evangelism.

September 2024

Bible Study Revelation Ch 1 Part 2

Revelation Ch 1 Part 2

“Are We On the Go?” Romans 1:14-16

“Are We On the Go?” Romans 1:14-16

I. We Have An Evangelistic Obligation To Go – 1:14
A. A spiritual debt.
B. A Global debt.
II. We Have An Evangelistic Passion To God – 1:15
A. A personal passion.
B. A universal passion.
III. We Have An Evangelistic Affirmation To Go – 1:16
A. The Gospel is supreme.
B. The Gospel is sufficient.
C. The Gospel is simple.

We continue our Sermon Series on “Soul Winning,” this Sunday. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone at 2nd Mile began sharing their faith on a regular basis? Oh that God would open the door of evangelism in ’24.


The Revelation Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.

July 2018

The Seven Bowl Judgements

I. The First Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16:1-2

II. The Second Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16:3

III. The Third Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16: 4-7

IV. The Fourth Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16:8-9

V. The Fifth Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16:10-11

VI The Sixth Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16:12-16

VII. The Seventh Bowl Judgement – Revelation 16:17-21

War In Heaven

I.    Where the War is Fought – Revelation 12:7a

II.   Why the War is Fought – 12:7b-12

III.  After the War is Fought – !2:12b-19

The Scarlet Harlot

I. Who Is This Woman? – Revelation 17:1-6
II. Where Is This Woman From? – 17:7-13
III. What Will Happen To This Woman? – 17:14-18


The Esther Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.