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March 2025

“Surrendering Our Will” Romans 12:2

“Surrendering Our Will” Romans 12:2

I. God’s Will is Profitable – Romans 12:2c, Jeremiah 29:11
II. God’s Will is Pleasing – Romans 12:2c. Jeremiah 29:12-13
III. God’s Will is Perfect – Romans 12:c, Jeremiah 29:14

I can hardly wait to see what God does with this text. It is the last sermon in our series on Surrender. Would you join me in prayer for this coming week and on Sunday?

Bible Study Revelation Ch 12 Part 2

Revelation Ch 12 Part 2

“Surrendering Our Minds” Romans 12:2

“Surrendering Our Minds” Romans 12:2

I. What Does It Mean For Our Mind To Be Conformed To the World?
Romans 12:2a

II. What Does It Mean For Our MInd To Be Transformed By The Word?
Romans 12:b

The 3rd Sunday of the month is normally Children’s Church. Looking forward to seeing all of our kids back with us. 
As you all know we have moved our Anniversary to April 6th. High Road will be with us that morning at 10:30. We will be having Sunday School at Having a great Anniversary meal after the service that morning. It is hard to believe we are beginning our 7th Year as a Church family. Glad to get everyone back after Spring Break.


The Revelation Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.

The Esther Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.