All Sermons & Bible Studies
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May 2018
Choosing A Church
I. The Location of a Church – Rev 1:11b
II. The Intention of a Church – Rev 1:12
III. The Attraction of a Church – Rev 1:13a
II. The Intention of a Church – Rev 1:12
III. The Attraction of a Church – Rev 1:13a
April 2018
Christ Has a Message for the Churches
I. Commonalities in the Churches
Christ is what we have in common Revelation 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14
Christ knows the works of every church 2:2,9,13,19; 3:1,8,15
Christ makes a promise to every church 2:7,11,17,26,29; 3:5-6,12-13,21-22
II. Differences in the Churches
Who Is this King of Glory?
I. The Lord’s Claim – Ps 24:1-2
II. The Lord’s Call – Ps 24:3-6
III. The Lord’s Coming – Ps 24:7-10
II. The Lord’s Call – Ps 24:3-6
III. The Lord’s Coming – Ps 24:7-10
The Revelation Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.

The Esther Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.