All Sermons & Bible Studies
Sermons are sorted from newest to oldest. Click on the name of a series if you’d love to see all of the podcasts from just that series.
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December 2024
“Breakthrough 2025” Jeremiah 33:3
“Breakthrough 2025” Jeremiah 33:3
There will be no sermon outline but this is the Title and Address for the message. I will be giving a “State of the Church Address” so it is just a manuscript instead of an outline. The congregation can make their own notes as they feel led.
I pray the Lord blesses and anoints the preparation. Happy New Year.
Pastor Cal
The Revelation Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.
December 2024
The Esther Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.
April 2020
“He Is Risen” Mark 15:42 – 16:8
“He Is Risen” Mark 15:42 – 16:8
I. His Death Was Pronounced – 15:42-45
A. By a friend – vs. 43
B. By a foe – vs. 44-45
A. By a friend – vs. 43
B. By a foe – vs. 44-45
II. His Burial Was Prepared – 15:46
III. His Resurrection Was Proclaimed – 16:1-8
A. The women’s arrival – vs. 1-4
B. The angel’s announcement – vs. 5-8
A. The women’s arrival – vs. 1-4
B. The angel’s announcement – vs. 5-8