All Sermons & Bible Studies
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June 2024
“A Spirit Filled Young Person” Luke 1:15-17
“A Spirit Filled Young Person” Luke 1:15-17
I. The Spirit’s Filling Prepares Us For Ministry – John 1:15-17,66.80
A. John was being prepared for ministry at home – 1:15-17,66
B. John was being prepared for ministry in the wilderness – 1:80
A. John was being prepared for ministry at home – 1:15-17,66
B. John was being prepared for ministry in the wilderness – 1:80
II. The Spirit’s Filling Provides A Message – John 1:6-7
A. John was to be a witness – 1:7
B. John was to be bold and humble in his witness – 1:8; 3:30
A. John was to be a witness – 1:7
B. John was to be bold and humble in his witness – 1:8; 3:30
III. The Spirit’s Filling Has A Purpose In Our Mission – John 1:1-13
A. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God – 16:14
B. Our mission is to point people to Jesus – 5:35
A. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God – 16:14
B. Our mission is to point people to Jesus – 5:35
The Revelation Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.
The Esther Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.