All Sermons & Bible Studies
August 2024
What Do You Do When A Thief Wants To Join The Church? Philemon 8-16
What Do You Do When A Thief Wants To Join The Church? Philemon 8-16
I. Accept Him on the Basis of His Regeneration vs. 9-10,16
II. Accept Him on Behalf of God’s Provision vs. 14-15
III. Accept Him at the Behest of His Obligation vs. 11-13
We are in the 3rd sermon series about the Church and how she is supposed to function. I am of the belief that the Lord has opened a door of opportunity for 2nd Mile Church to reach our City for Christ. This study in Philemon will be a blessing for us and reveal how we can do what God is calling us to do.
Bible Study Daniel Ch 9 Prelude to study of Revelation Part 1of 2
Daniel Ch 9 Prelude to study of Revelation Part 1
“What Makes for a Great Church?” Philemon 4-7
“What Makes for a Great Church?” Philemon 4-7
I. A Great Church Understands the Dynamics of Church Life 4-5
II. A Great Church Understands the Benefits of Church Life vs 6
III. A Great Church Understands the Blessings of Church Life vs 7