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August 2024

What Do You Do When A Thief Wants To Join The Church? Philemon 8-16

What Do You Do When A Thief Wants To Join The Church? Philemon 8-16

I. Accept Him on the Basis of His Regeneration vs. 9-10,16
II. Accept Him on Behalf of God’s Provision vs. 14-15
III. Accept Him at the Behest of His Obligation vs. 11-13

We are in the 3rd sermon series about the Church and how she is supposed to function. I am of the belief that the Lord has opened a door of opportunity for 2nd Mile Church to reach our City for Christ. This study in Philemon will be a blessing for us and reveal how we can do what God is calling us to do.

Bible Study Daniel Ch 9 Prelude to study of Revelation Part 1of 2

Daniel Ch 9 Prelude to study of Revelation Part 1 

“What Makes for a Great Church?” Philemon 4-7

“What Makes for a Great Church?” Philemon 4-7

I. A Great Church Understands the Dynamics of Church Life 4-5

II. A Great Church Understands the Benefits of Church Life vs 6

III. A Great Church Understands the Blessings of Church Life vs 7



The Revelation Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.


The Esther Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.