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July 2018

He’s Still the One!

I. He’s Lord Over Creation – Col 1:15-17
A. He created the Universe – vs. 16a
B. He sustains the Universe – vs. 17
C. He gives purpose to the Universe – vs. 16bII. He’s Lord Over The Church – 1:18
A. He governs the Church – vs. 18a
B. He guides the Church – vs. 18bIII. He’s Lord Over The Cross – 1:20
A. The price He paid – vs. 20b
B. The peace He made – vs. 20a

The Role Of God In Government

I. God Ordains Government – Romans 13:1-4
A. To restrain evil vs. 3-4
B. To reward good vs. 3II. God Requires Christians to Support Government – 13:5-7
A. Pay for our government – vs. 6-7
B. Participate in our government – vs. 7
C. Preach to our government – vs. 1
D. Pray for our government – 1st Timothy 2:1-3

War In Heaven

I.    Where the War is Fought – Revelation 12:7a

II.   Why the War is Fought – 12:7b-12

III.  After the War is Fought – !2:12b-19


The Revelation Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.


The Esther Series

To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.